Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rome, Ga. Photographer: ~{Favorite Things Tuesday: August Blue}~

I missed the whole digital revolution when my kids were young.  I get SO jealous when I look through photographer's personal work and see all the sweet pictures they've taken of their babies.  When you're paying for film and the development of it (I think I still have a few rolls around here that were never developed.) you just weren't really allowed to have fun with it like you can today!  Not much room for exploration!!  So I guess I'm making up for all that with my sweet little puppy August Blue.  We call him Auggie for short, Auggie Blue when he's in trouble and Augustine DeBlue for sillies. (That name has to be said in your best pirate accent. :)

Everyday when Auggie hears the school bus carrying Levi on it, coming down the hill, he jumps up on the bench in the entry and stares out the window.  As soon as he see's Levi emerge from the bus, his tail starts wagging like he's trying to achieve lift off.  He watches Levi all the way to the porch, then jumps down and sits by the door looking up through the glass expectantly.... waiting, waiting, waiting for his Levi to open the door so he can jump up on him, lick his face, his hands, his rear.... what ever he can reach, then.......chew on his leather jacket. :/

One day I'll record for you the crazy noises he makes when he's trying to "hint" to me that he'd REALLY like to go outside for a good "Free Run"  but for now...

Happy Tuesday!!!
Hugs... and ciao Bella!!
Christy C

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