Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Rome, Ga. Motherhood, Childhood and Family Photographer: ~{Walk About Wednesday: Reflections From a Foggy Morning}~

I try VERY hard to sit my tail in my office chair EVERYDAY from 9 - 4 to get my clients work finished for them.  I LOVE being able to do that, BUT somedays I just can't take it any longer and I've GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE! :)

Like when a thick as cotton fog rolls in!  What a glorious morning! I grabbed my camera and the Auggie, then we headed outside for a few minutes of wonderland splendor! And ahhhh.... what a wonderful time I had!! :)  

Here's a few from todays Walk About!

This first one I did in manual focus and just loved the way it turned out. I love how smooth the bokeh is!!  So dreamy! I'm definitely going to have to experiment more with manual focus. :)
 The rest are in auto focus. 

 The next three are in succession.  In the midst of try to capture the spider web,  Auggie, not to be out done by a plant while vying for my attention, ran between me and the plant....

 And I got this great results....

What was it that Bob Ross always said, 
"Never a mistake, just happy accidents."  
That's a goal of mine for 2013... to learn to rejoice in the mistakes!
(To some extent.) ;)

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