Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Rome, Ga Newborn Photographer: And along came Aiden

Aiden is a very lucky little boy to have such a sweet momma, devoted big brother and a fabulous grandma!  That's all that came to his very first photo session to help out. :)  I've never had a baby that was so curly!!!  When you'd pick him up and hold him out, his legs would instinctively curl up to his chest!  WHAT A DREAM for a newborn photographer. A lot of little ones, once they've escaped the womb, have no intentions of ever curling those legs up again!  LOL... and they show it by keep those legs as straight as boards while I'm trying to coax them into "Please, little baby, curl those legs back up for me." ;)

Hugs... and ciao Bella!!
Christy C

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