Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rome, Ga. Photographer: Say 'Ello to My Little Fre'nd!"

Look what we found as we were coming back in from pick up line!  I've always been so fascinated by the Preying Mantis!!  We probably gave him a heart attack from all of our attention... but wow!  What a fascinating little creature!! 

Kind of creepy... in a cute kind of way!

 I had no idea they could twist their heads like that... again... creepy... in a cute kind of way!
Ah... he found what he was looking for.... dinner!!

Okay... so allow me to be Paul Harvey and say...
This is the rest of the story!!!  LOL!!!

You probably already see this one coming.  Bekah thought it was just "so cute" how the sweet little preying mantis was trying to attack the lens that she was aggravating him with... until he jumped onto on the lens!  (and he was FAST!) The child THREW MY LENS DOWN!!! and ran into the house screaming!!!  LOL!!  Good thing for her I never use that lens!!!  I guess I should mention that the reason this is the last picture is because as soon as that little guy jumped... I jumped about five feet backwards... yes, screaming too! : )

That mantis will think twice before meeting us on the front porch again!!
Happy Wednesday!
Ciao Bella!!!
Christy C

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