Monday, January 17, 2011

Cups and Mugs

I can think of nothing more fun, nothing that makes me happier, than hanging out with my kiddos!  They make my life whole!  Sure, they fight... scream... mess... talk back....  ....  .... (sigh)...  BUT I still love 'em to pieces! = )  So today I decide to celebrate the last day of their impromptu winter break... due to a winter storm that covered our great state of Georgia with snow and ice, with an afternoon outing.

A new coffee shop has opened on Broad Street, so I decided that we ought to check it out.  Coffee for kids, you may be screaming at me right now.  Well, yes... and no.  One hot chocolate, one soda, and one frepe (you can't really classify that as a coffee... more like a milkshake.) OH... and one vanilla latte... for me.  Yummmm.

I immediately fell in love with place the second we walked in. There was a big family all sitting around a tiny, little (was that an oxymoron?) child's table, playing a board game.  They were shouting and raising their hands in victory.  I thought to myself... "Yep, this is the place for us."  Others were on their laptops, many students had their books opened to VERY smarty looking pages, and then some sat on sofas and under lamps, quietly chatting.

After ordering we sat down at a little square table and I had my youngest go to the bookshelves full of games and pick one out for us.  He chose Sorry and we played, laughed.... argued (they... not me) well past the last sips of our yummy drinks.

There were mugs of every shape and size.  Superman, Tinker Bell... and owls. O>O

(Yep... I'm bumming today!)

Oh... and by the way... I totally slaughtered them! = )

 Te he he... we had a fun afternoon out.  And JUST SO YOU KNOW... these were taken on my cell phone... which is neither smart, nor clear. = )  But it recorded some wonderful moments and I just felt like sharing.  

Happy Monday!
Ciao Bellas,
Christy C


April said...

Weird, I was there yesterday afternoon! we must have missed each other!

Unknown said...

That is weird... great minds! = ) What time were you there? We were there around 4ish.