Friday, February 4, 2011

Rome, Ga. Photography: In Photography... Life Unchecke!

I get a lot of comments from people telling me how they can feel my emotions coming through my work or how looking at my work makes them get choked up. (Now I've already decided that I'm going to take that as a compliment, so don't correct me if I'm wrong. ; )Well I promise you, it's nothing I do on purpose!  I mean as crazy as a woman's emotions are... out there for all the world to see.  Scary!  But as I watch my clients as they are talking or interacting with each other, or maybe something has caught their eye and they glimpse away just for the slightest moment and they get a far away look in their eye... it's those moments, when they loose interest in me and go into their own thoughts that makes my heart flutter, makes me catch my breath and exclaim... "Oh my goodness... that's gorgeous!"   Yes, I embarrass myself quite often with those types of outbursts,  but wow, when the beauty of life, unchecked, allows me a quick glimpse... I can't help but get excited!  I feel down right honored!

Actually, I love that part of me is seen in every photo taken.  Thrills me to pieces!  It means I'm doing my "job" right. So here's just a few ways I switch from text book photography and switch on Christy goggles. 

In Photography...

It's not always about what you see...

But what you don't see.

The first photo was a posed photo, the second... Life Unchecked.

Ciao Bellas!
Christy C

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