Monday, December 27, 2010

Rome, Ga Children Photographer: Little Miss Breezy = )

Who was I kidding! It was the last blog post before this one that went something like, "my last blog of 2010"! Ha! Little did I realize that I'd have so much more to talk about!! I've got a Senior shoot today, that I already know I can't wait to tell you about, because she's going to be wearing her "Indian" garb!!! Can't wait. And then there's little Breeze!

Little Breeze, or as I lovingly call her, little Breezy, is my niece, Whitney from Kentucky's, daughter! Well, to get all technical about it, she's my husbands niece... but I don't like to divide it up to who get's who... they're all mine too! = )

She had asked me to take a few of little Miss Breezy when we were there for Thanksgiving! YES... I'm ashamed to say that I've just found the time to get these finished up for them! But I couldn't help but giggle when I looked at some of the too cute faces Breeze was giving me. Most of which were, "What is this crazy lady doing sticking that box thingy in my face!" OH, and might I mention... she loved the camera. Not necessarily being in front of the camera, but she wanted to touch it... and lick it so bad, I think it hurt!! I was being serious about the licking... I had to clean the lens several time due to getting too close! LOL! My bad!

So I hope you enjoy a few from my sweet grand-niece Breeze's One Year session!!

Ciao Bellas!!
Christy C

 I begin with the cutest... I think!  Love the kissy face she's giving!

Smiles and blowing kisses! = )

Playing Peek a Boo!

There's that look I was telling you about!  "Huh?! Hey Momma... what's this chick doing?"  Te he!

I Love the one of her peeking into Great Grandma's curio cabinet!  
The beautiful items in there have entertained my children for years... and myself, too! = )

PS and FYI:  If you're a Picnik user... wrinkle remover also removes "scalies"... you know what I mean! Most commonly found right beneath the nose of most toddlers. ; )

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