Sunday, December 5, 2010

Rome, Ga Chilren Photographer: The Grodemans Brave the Cold

Brrrr.... it's cold out there!  But that didn't stop these brave kids!  I had such a good time with the Grodeman children.  We got to play with reindeer antlers, Santa hats, and the kids favorite... and mine, SNOW!  In Georgia, we have to make our own fun in the snow.  Something about that big ol' mountain range just north of us will NOT let snow pass!!  Though it was definitely cold enough to!

We met up at one of my favorite spots on Berry, the Possum Trot school.  Apparently, I'm not alone, either.  We followed two cars in, and two more people showed up to do shoots while we were there!  I just find that so odd!  Mainly because of it's location.  It's on the mountain campus, so once you get to the back forty, you then have to drive, and drive, and drive over the roughest road I do believe I have ever traveled!  But it's well worth it!

So here's just  a few from our Christmas minishoot!  I hope you enjoy... I know I enjoyed the time I spent with this sweet, sweet family!

Ciao bellas!
Christy C

I so love this picture of  Mr. Reese and my little sock monkey!  He was sleepy and cold when he got out of his car, but little monkey quickly cheered him up!

Such gorgeous children!!  
And last but not least... let there be SNOW!!!
Oh, I meant to mention... it was after this picture was taken that Grant, the oldest, VERY excitedly turned to his momma and said, "SHE IS GREAT!"  Nothing makes you feel better than to hear it from the children!!  Thank you, Grant!  I think you were just GREAT too!!

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