Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rome, Ga Child Photographer: Kynlee, One Year BIG

 Yep... another one of my babies have graduated!!  And wow!!  What a session it was!!!  You've heard the saying, If it could go wrong it did!  Well.... yeah, that was it in a nut shell!!

First, when my client pulled up they saw this...

Yep... some how... I have no idea how, but I backed into a DEEP ditch!! So we waited about 30 min. before the tow truck FINALLY showed up and pulled me out! (Dieing of embarrassment here!!!)

The portrait part went GREAT.  Cake time... I forgot the helium for the balloons at the studio!!!!!  But thankfuly, Alisha... mom, had a tank in her van that she offered to sale to me! WHEW!

 Then when it came time for the bubble bath, my plastic bucket sprang a leak from sitting on the rocks!!!!!  I could have cried by the time it was all over!!  This was definitely a first for me!!  Hopefully a last as well!!

I told mom, I'm sure glad it was you I had today!  She said, Gee, thanks!  Haha!

So anywhooo.......
 I can't believe it's already to been a year!!  Look how sweet Miss Kynlee was at her newborns.

I couldn't believe how she slept through her three month session!

Her sixth month session fell near Halloween, so we got to use her precious teddy bear costume. :D

...and a little cherub near Valentine's day for her 9 month.

And then we got to celebrate her first birthday!!

She wasn't crazy about cake. ;)

Eating cake just became too much for her! ;)

So today we did a bubble bath do over! :D  We got to play out in my garden for these!  This always makes me a happy girl!!

HUGS... and ciao Bella!Christy C

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