Thursday, January 16, 2014

Rome, Ga Newborn Photography: Tripp, Three months BIG!

Oh my Goodness!!  This has been such a fun session to edit!!  Tripp's smile is so contagious!  I'm sitting here, alone in my office, grinning like the Cheshire Cat! Ha!  I just had to take a break from the cuteness to share a few.

So as one of my dearest friends, Jen, says:
Stop singing it and start bringing it! ;)

So here's the goods...

Tripp says, "Hi allll!"

Can NOT take it!!!

I love his serious side too! And he was serious about those fingers!


Oh those sweet toesies!!!
SIGH.... yeah, I just love 'em!
HUGS... and ciao Bella!
Christy C

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