Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rome, Ga Child Photographer: The Grodeman Children

One of the things I LOVE about January is that I actually get to do some of the things I don't have time for the rest of the year. I get to update my website and business cards. Play with packaging as I decide what I want to do with it this year, order supplies. I have time to look through my files and enjoy some of the work I did in the previous year... AND do a little blogging!! 

As I was looking through my files this morning I realized that I hadn't put a few of my year end sessions on the blog.  NOT too surprising considering the end of the year crunch.  But what IS surprising is that some of these images were some of my very favorites from the WHOLE YEAR!!  Now I can't have THAT!!  Especially from some of my favoritest kiddos that I've had the privilege of shooting over the years.

So here's a few from the Grodeman's session...

This guy!!  He just gets bigger each year!!  We've got a line backer in the making! And CUUU-ute!

OKAY... so the one on the right is one of my ALL TIME FAVES!!  It's already found a place in my studio!!  I plan on having a wall from just this session in the studio!!! :D

And then Reese!!  He's REALLY got to stop getting so big!  Every year it's like he's grown another FOOT... or two! (linear not limbs... haha!)

I can always count on their mom to have them dressed in the cutest... handsomes... er... coolest I believe it is at this age... clothes!!
HUGS... and ciao Bella!
Christy C

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