Monday, July 29, 2013

Rome, Ga. Child Photographer: ~{Bella Kate's Big Birthday Bash}~

BOY, OH BOY!!  Or maybe I should say, Girl, oh GIRL!!  This was such a SUPER fun birthday bash!!  I know, I say that about them all.  But seriously, Bella Kate was just a little model!!  She smiled and giggled and clapped and LOOKED RIGHT AT THE CAMERA CONSTANTLY! (YES!!!  Always the goal, rarely achieved with little ones. ;)

I'm so glad Bella Kate's momma twisted my arm into doing this session.  Ha ha!  I would have missed out on some sweet smiles in a hay field!!

 So I used a little trick photography in a few of these!  Can you guess what made those oh so dreamy spots on these two pictures?  Guess......  it was done in camera... not edited in!!!  Answer on Facebook if you think you know!

Peek a boo!!!  

YUMMMM.... cake time!!

So Bella Kate thought more of the plate than the cake that was on it! ;)

Finger licking GOOD!

I don't think I've ever had a child so relaxed in a tub of water before!!  Haha!  Definitely never had one throw their feet up on the edge and lay back!!  So CUTE!

This one was almost a black and white.  I tend to turn this style black and white just because it's so dreamy, but I decided last minute to see what color looked like with one of my favorite bokah overlays.... yep!  I love it!
 HUGS... and ciao Bellas!
Christy C

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