Saturday, December 1, 2012

Rome, Ga. Childhood Photography: ~{Christmas Malley Style}~

FIRST... I feel that I must say... I do not pose Miss Malley, nor tell her too give me those OH so dramatic looks!!  ;)

Actually I have to give her very little direction.  I'll say, "Okay, Miss Malley, why don't you sit here and lean on that."  And boom she's off.  I literally have to keep my camera on the fastest continual shooting setting it has!!  Bam! BAm! BAM!

I asked Malley's mom at this session if she minds me photographing Malley so growny.  She said, NO WAY!  That's who Malley is!  And I couldn't agree more!  I'm just shooting what I'm seeing!  And I just love seeing Malley Kate in my view finder!

HUGS... and ciao Bella!
Christy C

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