I'm having myself a BABY LOVE MONDAY here in my office. Editing some pictures of one of my favorite little babies! The day we took her pictures, she had a doctors appointment right after her session. At that appointment the doctor admitted her straight into the hospital for jaundice. As you'll see her little skin was so yellow at the session, but I wasn't about to let those be the memories of her first photoshoot!
SO... I thought I'd share with you photogs how SUPER easy it is to fix jaundice skin.
SO... I thought I'd share with you photogs how SUPER easy it is to fix jaundice skin.
Now I use CS5, but I'm pretty sure that Lightroom also has a hue/saturation adjuster. And might I say that there are one million and ONE WAYS to do the same thing in Photoshop, but I'm all about the easiest way and what works best for me!
So.... here we go!
1. Select Hue/Saturation
2. Select Yellow and knock it way down depending on the amount of yellow in the baby's skin. As you can see I really had to knock it down. ALSO... use the "Lightness" option in the yellow, to lighten the
color of yellow. This is a BIG help in making the skin tone look more
natural. I raised it to about +8.
3. Select Red and knock it down just a bit.
5. Select a soft, white brush. I keep my hardness at zero most of the time. Then start painting off the yellow....
6. Add a little more light and you can CLEARLY see the difference. You'll want to play with the adjustment layer to get as close to natural as possible. This one is a bit pale compared to her naturally tan skin, but I'm planning to put it into black and white and wanted her skin to POP in it! AND YES... color counts... even when going into black and white... but that's another lesson for another day!
The final edit. :) Yep... all that yellow out for a black and white. ;)
HUGS... and ciao Bella!
Christy C
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