Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rome, Ga. Rome Celebrity Dance Challenges Event Photographer: ~{Part 2 Fun, Injuries and Grace...}~

2012 Rome Celebrity Dance Challenge

Keith Turner
Velocity Fitness in Motion, Manager

These two were such a TRIP to photograph!  Oh. My. Goodness!  Keith is a mess.  Constantly joking and playing around!  Loved it!!

Amy Harkins
Velocity Fitness in Motion, Group Instructor 
You know what they say about things that come in little packages!!  Well it's all true about Amy!  Big eyes, big smile, big personality!  I don't know how she managed Keith as a partner... ;)... just shows what a sweetie she is. Tehe!!

Tehehe... see... so funny!

Their performance was absolutely amazing!  Jam packed full of stomping... and pelvic thrusts! ;)

 Dr. Joe Burch
Rome Radiology Group
The day we did Dr. Joe's headshots was his anniversary, so we took a few of him with his wife too. ;)

Kathy Baird
Baird Ballet
I think Kathy Baird is one of my favorite people to watch dance!  She just flows!
So elegant!!!

They won me over the second the music started... Pirates of the Caribbean!  One of my favorite movies... and soundtracks!  Amazing performance!  Just gorgeous!

Jason Stockton
Life Church, Pastor
Jason is such a super, great guy!  I only spoke with him a couple of times, but he's  one of those people that makes you feel like you've known each other forever.  Great guy!!!

Stephanie Kipfer
Dance Works, Advanced Ballet Instructor
Stephanie is a beautiful lady!  To me she's the perfect stereotype of what you'd expect a classical ballerina to look like!  She just radiates gracefulness!!

Sad, sad story!!!  Jason received an injury in one of their LAST practices!!  UGH!!  And wasn't able to do the routine they had tirelessly worked on!!  I hated that so much for him... BUT you know what they say... the show must go on! So instead of leaping and lifting Stephanie, he made a great prop for Stephanie to dance around instead. ;)

STAY TUNED for Part 3!!!
HUGS... and ciao Bella!
Christy C

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