Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dallas, Ga Senior Photographer: Justin {South Paulding Class of 2012}

Photographing Justin was a pure joy!!  He's such a sweet guy!!  And boy does he love him self some football!! When I found out we'd be shooting at the school for Justin's seniors... I WAS PHYSCHED!!  Big time!! 

When I photograph a High School Senior, I realize that I'm recording some very special memories that they'll keep with them for the rest of their lives!  That's why I always tell them before hand to bring anything and everything that will remind them of their high school experience. With Justin being a football player I could think of no better place to shoot, then at the field!  We got a bonus when we were able to go into the.... field house... (My FBall players get tickled at me, because sports lingo is a foreign language to me. : )  I think those are my favorites!!!

So enjoy just a few of Justin!!!  South Paulding High, Class of 2012
Ciao Bella!
Christy C

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