Monday, April 4, 2011

Rome, Ga Photographer: Before's and After's... editing.

Thought I'd give you just a peek inside my editing process today.  I give away a lot of info and tips to photographers who ask, but there are some tricks I keep to myself, because frankly, they are what makes Bella Faccia's pictures mine.  = ) You must find your own tricks of the trade.  That's part of the journey that will make your work one of a kind... your own. So here we go... a sneaky peeky! ; )

Those of you that know me personally know that I spend a LOT of time on my editor and one might conclude that the reason I spend so much time on the editor is because I'm such a horrible photographer and that maybe I have to spend that time "doctoring" my pictures to make them presentable.  Well, there was a day in the beginning of my career that that statement would have been true, but not these days.  These days I spend most of the time on the details! 

All my pictures go through a similar process.  The lighting, edging, highlighting... blah-dy, blah, blah.  But on some images I have to spend a LOT of time getting rid of unwanted objects that are in the frame with my subjects. 

For example...

This picture probably took me a total of 15 or 20 minutes to edit!  Yep, just to get rid of the power lines.    You can't always have everything you want when picking a location, but thank God for editors!!

Ciao Bellas!!
Christy C

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