Friday, March 11, 2011

Rome, Ga. Photographer: Dear Phellow Photographers... Your pricing

Wow... I haven't done a "Dear Phellow Photographer" in a while and I'm not even sure why my thoughts turned to the subject of pricing tonight... as I was getting ready for bed, I might add... but as the topic bounced around in my brain, I had some thoughts I'd like to share with you.  Obviously, this would be geared more towards those photographers just getting started in the business rather than those who are well established, but personally, I think some of those should really rethink their pricing, too!

First, find your starting point:
I think it was Louis Torres who said on one of his wonderful podcast, that when your first starting out, check out other photographers in your area and compare your work to theirs.  If yours is a little better than some, then you could price a bit higher than what they offer, if your work is a little beneath theirs (Yes, there will always be someone "better", someone to aspire to.)   then go a bit below until you find the perfect medium. I'm going to add to his statement and say that your experience should also factor into pricing.  Now honestly... I've looked at some photographer's work and just shake my head in wonderment, thinking how on earth do these guys talk people into hiring them... and at those prices!! Pit-E-FULL, I tell you! So trust me, it's quite possible that your first year in business, you might just out shine a few seasoned photographers... BUT don't think you can start off charging what they do!  Experience should always be factored into those prices.  I'd hate to see you charge more than $500 for your first few weddings, because let me tell you now... YOU'VE GOT SOME LEARNING TO DO... and taking the pictures is the easiest part of photographing a wedding! LOL!

Secondly, when to raise prices:
This is a question I've asked other photographers and have even Googled it for answers and have NEVER been satisfied with the answers.  This is really the topic of my free thinking moment tonight. 

I raised my prices this year for one reason and one reason only... schedule control!  I tell you, last fall was so busy, so stressful for me, I actually developed a VERY painful ulcer! No lie!  First one I've ever had.  I knew something had to change. Now, I didn't learn a whole lot from my high school Econ. class, but I was able to stay focused long enough to understand the general concept of supply and demand, and decided to put those principals into practice.

Sure, I was nervous to see if the price change would kill my business, but so far it's really just put things where I need them to be, also it's allowed for some flexibility.  Always remember... balance is a beautiful thing and if you get to the point to where all you're doing is going, going, going, and all you see are deadlines in your future, it might be time to do some price adjusting.  Of course, some people live for that kind of life style I suppose, so as I always say, you do your thang and I'll do mine. : ) But that's also why you'll see me driving around in my old beat up SUV. I refuse to live a life style to where I HAVE to go, go,go to pay for my car, car, car!  Which is also why I've not yet bit the bullet and opened a full time studio... family first, then the business.  Now when the kids are out of school.... = ) = ) = )!!! (Just thought I'd throw that last personal point in there... te he... don't worry, it was free. ; )

So... your schedule is often reflected STRONGLY from your pricing.   If you're only getting two or three sessions a month... (and we're talking portraiture photography, obviously not wedding photography, that is a whole other subject that I barely have enough experience to talk on!) ...then there's a good chance you've over priced yourself.  That's not always the reason for slow business... but one that should be considered, right up there with the question, "How much time and thought are you putting into publicity and advertisement?"  As the old adage goes, "You're only going to get out of it what you're willing to put into it." Amen and amen.  And might I add that if you're not taking full of advantage of all that Facebook has to offer for businesses, then shame on you.  HELLO... it's free advertisement! 

Well, that's it! Those were my thoughts for tonight.  As always, feel free to take them or leave them. = )

Thanks for letting me ramble!
Buona notte... Good night, Bellas!
Christy C

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