Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rome, Ga. Photographer: Favorite Things Tuesday: Packages and Ribbons

There I was, busily clicking away at my computer.  A little tap here for a bit more brightness... a tap, tap there to put an edge on the sharpening... when to my delight, I heard a tap tap at my front door!!  I love mid morning door tap, taps.  That means that the delivery lady has just dropped off some more of those wonderful white boxes filled with a few of my favorite things.

I quickly jumped from my chair and ran through the house, slipping and sliding in my socks, on my hard wood floors, so I could catch her before she was gone.  A person that brings me so much joy by delivering all these wonderful goodies right to my front door should never leave without a THANK YOU!! being yelled, a hand being waved, and a smile saying, "Good day to you, too. =)

I swooped up my boxes, like a dieter would a box of chocolates after a three day fast, greedily hugging them to my chest and ran back to my room/office, slipping and sliding.  Usually, on these days the next step would be to stomp around, scrounging for my scissors that the kids have taken and "forgot where I put them."  Grrrr... but not on this day.  Today...  I was in luck!!! YES!!  

Snip, snip!  Rip, rip... and I'm in!!!  And just look at what greets me...

Ahhh... I love my job!  Thanks for always giving me such beautiful subjects to work with!!
Ciao Bellas and happy Tuesday!!!
Christy C

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